European Wind Energy Day: focus on wind energy

 On June 15 we celebrate European Wind Energy Day, also called European Wind Day , and organized at the initiative of the European Wind Energy Association. In addition to celebrating the all-powerful force of the wind, the main aim of this day is to popularize wind energy. To do this, it is necessary to inform citizens about how this energy works and its many advantages. What is wind energy? How it works ? Why adopt it? Follow us, you will know everything.

What is wind energy?

Wind energy uses the force of the wind. And the concept is not recent, since the Persians were already using windmills in the year 620! The blades of the wind turbine have today replaced the wings of the mills. But they rotate in the same way, thanks to the wind, and power a turbine which then produces electricity. It is in fact a question of transforming the kinetic energy produced by the wind into mechanical energy

What is a wind turbine?

The wind turbine is therefore this device which is used to capture the wind to transform it into electricity. But it's not magic. Technology now makes it possible to manufacture various types of wind turbines, with horizontal or vertical axes, of different sizes and powers depending on the use made of them. From the domestic wind turbine placed on a roof to the wind farm which produces in mass, the range is very wide. The power of a wind turbine can vary from 100 kilowatts to 12 megawatts. But in all cases and whatever the type of wind turbine, the force of the wind is important. The stronger it is, the greater the amount of electricity produced. The size of the wind turbine also influences the amount of electricity produced. The higher it is, the more it captures strong winds. The bigger the blades, the more they produce. Doubling the size of the blades can result in four times more power and therefore quantity produced. Finally, air density plays a big role in the productivity of a wind turbine. This density varies depending on atmospheric pressure, temperature or even altitude. Lighter air at altitude results in lower efficiency than wind turbines located at sea level, where the air is heavier.

Also read: What is the lifespan of a wind turbine?

How does the electricity produced by the wind turbine reach us?

Electricity, regardless of its location or form of production, is transported by the very high voltage electricity network. It goes from places of production to places of high consumption. From there, it is regulated then reinjected into the medium and low voltage network to supply domestic homes and small structures.

What are the advantages of wind energy?

Ecological advantage

Wind energy does not generate any atmospheric emissions of any kind, its operation does not cause any pollution. It is 100% natural energy, infinitely renewable, and which eliminates any risk of shortage. Indeed, it is unlikely that the wind will ever stop blowing.

Economic advantage

The use of wind energy has several economic advantages, in different aspects:

  • Wind energy is the cheapest new energy in most European countries. Wind power is therefore a sustainable and profitable way to reduce pollution linked to energy production. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions inexpensively does indeed have a certain interest;
  • Local authorities and municipalities receive taxes from wind farm operators, a financial windfall often welcome in modest municipalities;
  • Finally, wind energy employs 300,000 people across Europe in the planning, manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance of wind farms. The wind industry has thus made it possible to revitalize the economy and create jobs in suffering mining or industrial regions.

Practical advantage

Wind turbines take up little space on the ground and the plots where they are installed can be used for other uses.

Climate benefit

The wind blows stronger in winter, which increases the volume of wind production. This characteristic is also an advantage, since the cold leads to an increase in energy consumption.

Strategic advantage

The almost exclusive use of fossil fuels makes us dependent on oil-producing countries, and in any case it is essential to think about the post-oil era, the end of which is inexorably approaching. Resources are being depleted faster than they are replenished and the planet will soon run out of oil. Wind energy is therefore an ideal alternative, which would allow us to free ourselves from our current energy dependence.

What are the disadvantages of wind energy?  

The biggest disadvantage of wind power is that wind is difficult to predict. However, if it is too weak, the wind turbines do not start, and if it blows too strongly, they stop working. But these difficulties are being studied and we can expect technological progress on this subject.

The other disadvantage currently is the cost of installing wind turbines. Their installation is the subject of major projects and requires the implementation of significant construction resources. However, we can imagine that the democratization of wind energy will automatically reduce production and installation costs.

Finally, wind farms are often poorly received by local residents and certain municipalities, who see them as an additional invasion of visual space, considered noisy in addition.

But wind energy currently appears to be the best alternative to global warming and the looming energy shortage. Our current methods of energy production and consumption essentially use non-renewable natural resources, the depletion of which is inevitable. The energy transition law which follows the Grenelle Environment Forum and adopted in August 2015 invites each of us to change our behavior to move towards less energy-intensive practices. Specific objectives have been set, which should also make it possible to strengthen the energy independence of our country. The effort to be made is therefore collective and concerns each of us

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